Presented by Scottish Parliament Academia Network (SPAN).
The first Scottish Parliament Academia Network (SPAN) Academic Research Showcase!
Join colleagues from 6-8pm at the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday 23 September. In the run up to COP26 – the 2020 United Nations Climate Change Conference, this year’s theme is the Climate and Ecological Crisis.
SPAN aims to formalise, coordinate and encourage knowledge exchange between the Scottish Parliament and academia via a network of knowledge exchange/brokering professionals in Higher Education institutions based in Scotland and the rest of the UK. The Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) and Scotland’s Futures Forum (the Parliament’s Think Tank) manage the network, in partnership with the Beltane Public Engagement Network and the Scottish Universities Insight Institute.
SPAN wants to hear from academics, universities and research institutes who want to showcase cutting edge research and explore new connections with MSPs, SPICe Researchers, Committee Clerks and other key parliamentary staff.