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Hosted at ECCI

Carbon Footprinting workshop for Carbon Finance MSc

Presented by ECCI’s Innovation Team

This session is an interactive carbon footprinting workshop. Designed and delivered by a climate change consultant, we will be looking at the different categories of carbon footprint and practicing drawing boundaries that work in real life settings. We will work with weird activity data units and identify some of the typical pitfalls in real world carbon accounting. We will also be considering how carbon footprints can be used to make better management decisions around reduction opportunities.

The session is designed to be additional to the courses run as part of the masters programme; it is aimed at increasing confidence in basic carbon footprinting and helping develop carbon-sense for unusual (or just wrong) numbers.

The session will be delivered by Clare Wharmby, Innovation Manager at the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation. Clare has over 20 years’ experience in the environmental sector, working in both consultancy and academic organisations. She also runs a small independent climate change consultancy, Carbon Forecast Ltd, and is currently working with Scottish Water, the Welsh Government, Lewisham Borough Council and the Climate Challenge Fund on a range of carbon management and accounting projects. Clare brings a pragmatic approach to carbon footprinting, focusing on supporting organisations to identify and implement carbon reductions and building capacity in-house.

This session is for University of Edinburgh Carbon Finance MSc students and by invitation only.

Contact the team for more info