The symposium is intended to generate cross-Institute interdisciplinary dialogue and strategic thinking. The thematic chosen for 2024 is ‘Hazards, Risks and Disasters’ and features many ECCI team members, Co-Director Dr Kate Donovan and Associates.
Wednesday 8th May
Welcome (HoS/DoR/Eliza Calder)
I. Scene-Setting, Project Spotlights and Tasters (Chaired by Gabi Hegerl)
- GCRF Tomorrow’s Cities Hub - overview - Hugh Sinclair (25+5 mins)
- GCRF Ixchel - overview - Eliza Calder/Aracely Martinez (25+5 mins)
Short talks (8+2 mins):
- Andrew Bell - Galapagos
- Gabi Hegerl - large scale heat, drought and fire
- Ian Main - earthquake forecasting/REF case
- Teresa Armijos- Voices of Recovery: Post covid recovery in context of other crises
- Andrew Curtis – risk associated with CO2 storage
- Saraswati Thapa - Flood risk in Asia
- Ashrika Sharma – Participatory DRR in Nepal
- Mark Naylor - INLAbru (data assimilation for natural hazards)
- Neil Stuart - Working with MapAction -Value of map-making practices in DRR
II. Chaired Thematic Panel Discussion on co-production of knowledge, output types and challenges for the future. (Chaired by Niamh Shortt)
Panel participants:
- Ana Cabrera Pacheco (Postdoc on Ixchel Project)
- Ale Colom (NGO LabEtnografico, Guatemala)
- Marisa Wilson (Caribbean Food for Climate Justice)
- Ashrika Sharma - (PhD student - Participatory DRR in Nepal)
- Rahul Ranjan (Environmental Justice)
III. Film Screenings (Theatre room, Adam House)
- Pip Thornton: Pandemic times: Zoom Obscura
- Marisa Wilson: Caribbean Food for Climate Justice project
- Sam Staddon and Clare Barns: Collective Reflective Learning for Social Justice in Nepal’s Community-based Natural Resource management.
- Kate Donovan: Climate change adaptation: Elandskloof CRITICAL Food Heritage Project.
- Mischa Prince: The Colour of Ash
- Hugh Sinclair: Rapti, Nepal on community/local government engagement
- Teresa Armijos: Remembering Nevado de Ruiz
Q-and-A with Film Producers
Wine Reception & Tribute paid to Professor John McCloskey - Ian Main
Thursday 9th May
Amelia Bain – Supporting partnerships and making ODA-funded projects work
IV. Chaired Discussion Panel on Interdisciplinary/Transdisciplinary Working Practices
(Chaired by Teresa Armijos/Claire Barnes)
Panel participants:
- Amilcar Roca, (Head of Volcanology section, INSIVUMEH Guatemala)
- Alex Petzey (Community Researchers, Ixchel)
- Ruth Doherty (Air pollution, China).
- Kate Donovan (Climate risk and resilience)
- George Tsitati (Quantifying climate change vulnerability and risks)
V. Breakout sessions - Opportunities/Next Steps/Strategic Plans (Chaired by Eliza Calder)
(Additional topic suggestions welcome)
- Post-GCRF funding landscape, new ODA-funding
- Meaningful partnerships
- Challenges in interdisciplinary collaborations
- ERCs Interdisciplinary publications and careers
- Research into teaching - opportunities to teach across Institutes
- Doing research with community researchers and/or Indigenous researchers
(Finish with report back from each break out group)
Discussions ongoing over working lunch