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Hosted at ECCI

Edinburgh Environment and Development Network

Presented by the Edinburgh Environment and Development Network (EEDN)

The Edinburgh Environment and Development Network (EEDN) was initiated in early 2018 in order to bring together academics and practitioners working on issues of environment and development from around Edinburgh.

The network aims to promote discussion around topics of interest, a sharing of knowledge and experience, a greater awareness of each other’s work, potential to collaborate on proposals and projects, and just a chance to get to know each other. We meet once a month (except in the summer; June-August) for discussions on topics introduced by members of the network, with facilitation aimed at sharing expertise and experiences amongst all those present.

Sessions take place on Thursdays 16:00-17:30 at ECCI, with refreshments provided.

EEDN welcomes all new members and all ideas for topics and formats for meetings, so please do get in touch if you’d like to join or share your ideas: Sam Staddon ( and Clare Barnes (

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