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Hosted at ECCI

Making the economy work for nature

Presented by Nature Scotland

A lively panel discussion on how we can ensure the economy works to revive and sustain nature.

Nature plays a major part in Scotland’s economic growth and quality of life. It supports sustainable tourism, the food and drinks sector, and much more.

The emphasis will be on how we extend the circular economy to all parts of the economy, including the ‘biological’ economy, so covering all food and fibre – farming, forestry and fisheries.

All of this needs to be done so as to simultaneously maximise carbon removals, manage climate risks and enhance the state of nature.

This is timed to coincide with the final stage of Biodiversity COP15, pointing to significant global and national commitments to restore nature.

Panel members include:

  • Professor Yadvinder Malhi CBE FRS, President British Ecological Society (Chair)
  • Reniera O’Donnell, Ellen Macarthur Foundation, Food and Regeneration
  • Professor Colin Campbell FRSE, JHI Chief Executive
  • Professor Mat Williams, Chief Scientific Adviser for Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture, Scottish Government
  • Dr Clive Mitchell FRSGS (Hon), Strategic Resource Manager Nature and Climate Change, NatureScot
  • Dr Ece Özdemiroğlu, Founding Director, Eftec

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