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Hosted at ECCI

Tools for Community Action - new online tools for places to co-create local action on climate (UK Universities COP26 Climate Innovation Showcase)

Part of the UK Universities COP26 Climate Innovation Showcase.

Explore new user-friendly online tools with their creators, and hear about how they can support place-based community action on climate. Supported by ECCI.

UK universities have produced a new generation of user-friendly online tools presenting easily-understandable, neighbourhood-level data about where our carbon footprints come from, and what can be done to reduce them. What are the opportunities to use them to engage communities in the challenge of decarbonising their places?

At this event Malcolm Morgan (University of Leeds) will introduce, the Place-based Carbon Calculator (England), and Ruth Wolstenholme the new ‘Climate Lens’ version of, Place Standard tool (supported by ECCI, Scotland).

Then Daisy Narayanan (Edinburgh Council) will talk to Place-based Climate Action Network community organisers from Yorkshire and Scotland about the possibilities they offer.

All welcome. Admission free but registration required.

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