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Scottish Climate Intelligence Service

The Scottish Climate Intelligence Service (SCIS) works with all of Scotland’s local authorities to help deliver climate action at the scale and pace needed to deliver Scotland's Climate Change Plan.

The SCIS is being delivered in partnership by ECCI and the Improvement Service, jointly funded by Scottish Government and all 32 local authorities.

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Delivering net zero for Scotland by 2045 means taking action at the local level. Local authorities are already leading net zero delivery for our towns, cities and regions.

The Scottish Climate Intelligence Service (SCIS) works with all 32 of Scotland’s local authorities to help deliver climate action at the scale and pace needed. We want to support them to design, manage and deliver plans for area-wide emissions reduction, targeting all sources of emissions within their local authority area.

We do this by;

  • Using a common data platform to track progress on the actions needed for local emissions reduction
  • Providing a clear picture on local emissions by source as well as the actions needed to address these
  • Assessing progress towards net zero targets by comparing against current actions
  • Directing future action and investment to where it is most needed and can be most effective.
  • Championing transparency by ensuring our data platform allows anyone to see the current emissions profile of a local authority area, the measures and actions needed to bring those emissions to net zero, and the progress being made.

We also know that climate change is not just about emissions, and that understanding and delivering the wider benefits of climate action, notably for adaptation, nature, health and inequality, are vital to society and critical to net zero delivery.

Our service is building capacity within local authorities. By working within and across local authorities, we support collaboration and help to share skills, knowledge, insights and common approaches which support and accelerate effective local climate action.

Visit the SCIS website

Check out these explainer videos to find out more about the origins of SCIS