SAGES pools world-leading expertise in geoscience and environmental science from across Scotland’s research base, creating a multi-disciplinary alliance at the forefront of earth and environmental research.
SAGES is a partnership between the Universities of Aberdeen, Abertay, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews, Stirling, SAMS UHI, SUERC, UWS and the British Geological Survey, Scotland.
The partnership serves to promote inter-disciplinary collaboration between research partners, and to act as a knowledge broker between research originators and ultimate users and beneficiaries of research.
SAGES Investment, Impact and Innovation 2016-2022

Read the SAGES Investment, Impact and Innovation prospectus covering the years 2016 to 2022.
"From inception in 2006, SAGES has evolved to become a strong voice and supportive home for geo and environmental researchers across Scotland’s universities and research institutes. The third phase (2023 and beyond) will see a completely independent geo-environmental research alliance fully fledged from SFC." - Prof Mark Inall, SAGES Director
What the ECCI team does
Put simply, SAGES is a portal for the exchange of geoscience information and for connecting people. At ECCI, we work with SAGES to make these exchanges and connections happen, triggering innovation within the membership.
We find ways to engage end users (industry, policy-makers, third sector organisations) with research projects, encouraging collaboration. It’s a vital role, as end user engagement is a must when applying for research-led funding.
ECCI runs the SAGES Innovation Programme and provides the SAGES network with marketing and communications support.
SAGES Innovation Programme
Since 2006 SAGES has been a showcase for world-class excellence in geoscience research based at partner institutions from across Scotland.
The SAGES Innovation programme has been designed to develop the skills of early career researchers and to allow companies and policy organisations to benefit from the skills, knowledge and insights SAGES researchers can bring.
ECCI has co-delivered the SAGES Innovation Programme since 2017/18. Check out some recent case studies below:
Want to know more?
Visit the SAGES website for more information and news about the network.